Saturday, 31 December 2016

Just made it! The last post of the year.

Wishing everybody a Happy New Year and I hope you all had a good  Christmas.

Since my last post there has been no gaming. This might have something to do with all of the above (ie Christmas) what with the usual shopping, preparing, entertaining and being entertained, drinking and eating a little too much. That and having to work right up to the last minute!

This year, gaming wise, has been a bit on off. Discovered Lion Rampant/Dragon Rampant, which is great fun, and has got me back into fantasy gaming after a very long hiatus. Consequently, have been putting together a small but ever-growing goblin army and have been tinkering with my own World War II rules and getting a few games in.

Pak 38 from AGN 

A nice marder II from Blitzkrieg Miniatures with Perry Crew

Some Warlord Games Panzer Mark III
Nice kits - go together very well.

Stowage from various sources which you can never have too much of!

Some minor modifications to the kit;
had to cut the gun barrel back - a tad too long -
and modified the side skirts.
Convention-wise, the only games show I went to this year was Selwig. Will definitely be getting more in next year. One hopes, for next year, to be getting slightly more gaming in and am looking forward to another variant of Lion Rampant - The Pikemans Lament - which I have pre-ordered and hopefully will be falling on my doormat early in the New Year.

Basing is three to one as used by "Dalauppror"
His blog is very good.
In the absence of much gaming this last month, I have managed to get a bit of painting done - some German WWII and basing up some more goblins.

My plans for 2017 are, hopefully, to get a small pile of MDF buildings put together, finish off several boxes of partially painted WWII vehicles and get started on figures for Pikemans Lament. Plus, I seem to have acquired a small pile of Greek/Trojan figures from Foundary since I am thinking about gaming in Bronze Age Greece, a period that has always interested me. Homaric tales of daring do.

Just looking for a suitable set of rules to kick it all off.

Once again, I wish you all a Happy New Year and thanks for putting up with my intermittent ramblings. I will try to do better next year.


Thursday, 1 December 2016

November;blimey where did that go!!!!

Well November has been and gone,and no blog post,bugger! Since my last post the new kitchen has at last been done, and the boss is very happy.

That means that gaming  life can resume hurrah,so this last Monday Adrian and I got down the summer house for a ww2 dust up,
I find the machine gun the hard way
A platoon of Germans moving up
A bit of milling about
Russians trying to sneak up but spotted
Charge! It did not go well.
A good game and not a tank in sight,ON the painting and making front got some goblins and trolls done for dragon rampant, plus some German ww2 stuff, and more sunflowers and game makers
what to call him?
a summoned demon from the big rubble?
what a mess

 and couple of warlord Russian tanks
a cute t70
a very nice kv1

A bit of a brute. Should put the wind up the German players.